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For Customers


INTER RAO — Export, LLC manages construction and modernization of generating facilities at all stages of the project life cycle, including:

  • development of a feasibility study and justification of investments;
  • engineering surveys and design;
  • building, installation, and special construction works;
  • supply of basic and auxiliary equipment and materials;
  • technological and engineering equipment;
  • installation supervision;
  • commissioning works;
  • individual testing and complex equipment trials;
  • staff training;
  • bringing projects into operation;
  • warranty services;
  • post-warranty services, supply of spare parts and consumables;
  • repair, modernization and renovation;

Supply of main and auxiliary equipment

INTER RAO — Export, LLC has long-time cooperation experience and sustainable partnerships with the largest international and Russian manufacturers of power equipment, as well as solid relations with major financial institutions, all of which allows us to ensure:

  • oversight of the equipment manufacturing and on-site performance testing;
  • control and oversight of transport operations;
  • nonconformity management.

Commissioning and launch in operation

INTER RAO — Export, LLC organize a full range of installation and commissioning works, as well as proficient engineering support for object launch and ensuring proper functioning, namely:

  • commissioning works;
  • complex equipment testing;
  • support for obtaining permits to bring the object into operation;
  • warranty tests.

Country analytics and marketing in the electric power industry of foreign countries

Identifying partner companies for the implementation of projects abroad

  • Availability of a constantly updated database of suppliers;
  • Unique conditions for discounts;
  • Identifying foreign partners/investors.

Expert examination of enterprises (technical, financial, legal)

Preparation/verification of estimates for contracts for complex equipment supply or construction of power facilities