Social Policy

Inter RAO – Export LLC is a member company of Inter RAO Group (one of the largest European energy holdings), which has traditionally paid great attention to issues of social policy.

The employees are provided with medical care within programs for optional medical insurance. Inter RAO regularly organizes joint sports and health events, such as the traditional Football Cup, as well as winter and summer corporate games.

At present, there are twelve effective corporate social programs in Inter RAO Group:

  • Young Family

    Aim: support of young families.
  • Health and Activity

    Aim: assurance of qualified medical care within the programs of optional medical insurance, to minimize the risks of the effects of adverse working conditions, and to develop a healthy lifestyle.
  • Children

    Aim: assurance of additional support to the families of employees.
  • Well-being

    Aim: assurance of comfortable conditions for work and leisure time.
  • Decent Retirement

    Aim: increase of social protection level for the employees once they reach retirement age.
  • Young Professional

    Aim: recruiting young professionals, preparing a pool of employees with a prospect for positions occupied by employees of elder age.
  • Professional Career

    Aim: support of the high professional level of the staff, preparation of employees for the implementation of new technologies, achievement of the strategic goals of the Group.
  • Health and Safety at Work

    Aim: prevention of work-related injuries and “professiona” diseases, health deterioration and accidents.
  • Culture

    Aim: arrangement of conditions for discovering and developing creative talents of the staff.
  • The Golds Reserve

    Aim: to help longtime industry veterans share their professional experience, as well as involve them in innovative processes; development of mentorship.
  • Talent Pool

    Aim: to prepare a pool of employees to draw on with regard to key professions and positions at the companies within the Group and lower the level of employee turnover.
  • The Best Employee

    Aim: identification and support the most efficient employees of the Group, as well as sharing the best practices.